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Happy Lunar New Year 2024!

Happy Lunar New Year 2024!
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As the Chinese New Year approaches, we would like to inform that our office will be closed from 9 February 2024 (Friday) afternoon to 14 February 2024 (Wednesday). The office will resume back on 15 February 2024 (Thursday).
We, Atomic would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude for your support. We wish you have a safe and prosperous Lunar New Year filled with brilliant success in 2024.

Gong Xi Fatt Chai and Happy Holidays!

Motic EasyZoom - The High Resolution Digital 3D Microscope

Motic EasyZoom - The High Resolution Digital 3D Microscope
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New Product Lauching - The Motic EasyZoom 3D Microscope

The system offers a wide range of analysis based upon the integration of optical and digital technology. Easy image acquisition and easy analytical processes translate into precise, accurate results.

Motic Easyzoom 5

Motic EasyZoom 5S

Motic EasyZoom 2

Visit our product page for more information!

Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM - Small But Unbelievable Performance!

Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM - Small But Unbelievable Performance!
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The Thermo Scientific Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM brings field emission SEM to your tabletop. The Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM will outperform many floor-standing SEMs in terms of image quality, while offering a vastly better user experience. For academic and industrial laboratories that so far did not consider SEM a realistic option, the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM makes FEG performance accessible thanks to its attractive form factor and short training required. Blazing fast sample loading means fast sample exchange, which means higher productivity. Unlike other SEMs, which end up being fully booked, the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM performs imaging and analysis jobs so quickly that it serves well as a walk-up tool.

The new Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM expands its acceleration voltage range down to 1 kV, to better accommodate insulating and beam-sensitive samples, and up to 20 kV, with a resolution of 2.0 nm that reveals the finest details.

Key Features:

Unique field emission source

Unique among desktop SEMs, the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM offers a field emission source, which guarantees high brightness, crisp images, and stable beam current.
Excellent resolving power
The Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM offers a resolution of 2.0 nm at 20 kV. Such performance shows the shape of nanoparticles, imperfections in coatings, or other features that would be missed by tungsten SEMs or other tabletop SEMs.
Gentle imaging
With a voltage range down to 1 kV, the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM enables imaging of beam-sensitive samples, such as polymers, as well as insulating samples, without the requirement to apply a coating. As a result, nanoscale surface features are not obscured.
Higher productivity
While FEG SEMs have a reputation for being difficult to accommodate and difficult to operate, the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM literally requires only a desk, and less than one hour of training. Master students, visitors, or other researchers typically not trained to work on high-end FEG SEMs can easily use the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM to create eye-catching images.
A world of information
On the Phenom Pharos G2 FEG-SEM, morphological information is acquired together with compositional information, thanks to SE, BSE, and EDS detectors built into the system. A range of sample holders is available for temperature-controlled or electrical experiments.


Uncoated insulators, such as this sea shell, can only be properly imaged at low acceleration voltage. At 2 kV (left image), significant charging artefacts can still be observed. At 1 kV (right image), those artifacts have disappeared.

Sensitive materials require gentle conditions. With an acceleration voltage down to 1 kV, the Phenom Pharos G2 Desktop FEG-SEM images beam-sensitive samples without sample coating or other sample preparation. Left: pharmaceutical powder, imaged without damage at 1 kV. Right: the same sample imaged at 5 kV, with damage, illustrating the need for low-kV imaging.

New Product Announcement - Tedpella

New Product Announcement - Tedpella
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We are happy to announce that Tedpella has launch new products. Feel free to visit the link below or contact us for more details!

The New Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM

The New Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM
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New Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM Improves Quality Control with Advanced Automation
Over the years, scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) have served as an important tool for quality control. A wide range of industries use SEMs to spot defects and impurities at the microscopic level so they can adjust the production process to ensure every product is built to the same high-quality standards.
While SEMs are critical to these processes, in the past researchers have been required to perform the same repetitive steps to analyze every object—consuming valuable time, slowing down the production process, and increasing the risk of human error.

New automation solutions are helping to solve these problems. Our Phenom desktop SEMs make it possible for users to perform in-house quality control, while automating the repetitive steps in their workflows. And whether customers need a customized or standard system, the newly available Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM takes automation to the next level, giving them the fast, accurate information, they need to reduce failures, avoid delays, and keep the production process advancing.

The Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM offers a versatile solution for automating the quality control process.
The Phenom XL G2 Desktop SEM offers a versatile solution for automating the quality control process.

With the Phenom XL G2, users can obtain high-quality images in just 40 seconds—three times faster than other desktop SEM systems on the market. The system offers an improved resolution of 10 nanometers, enabling even more resolving power and the ability to explore large samples of up to 100 by 100 millimeters. It’s also highly intuitive, extending quality checks to a broader number of users.
A key feature of the Phenom XL G2 is its new, easy-to-use user interface (UI). The highly intuitive UI combines what were once separate screens for viewing images and performing analyses into a single full-screen image, providing users with the immediate information they need to assess product quality. If researchers notice a possible impurity, they can simply click on the spot and see what elements are present using live energy-dispersive X-ray (EDS) analysis. The optical navigation camera makes it possible to view the entire sample while the user is in SEM mode.
The Phenom XL G2’s small form factor requires little lab space, eliminating the need for expensive facility renovations. It also allows users to place the microscope exactly where it’s needed—whether that’s in the lab or on the production line for real-time analyses.

With the Phenom XL G2, quality control managers can automate their repetitive workflow needed to analyze particles, pores, fibers, and large SEM images. The result is faster, more accurate analyses, more time for value-added work, and the assurance that only the highest quality products make it into customers’ hands.

The Author
Alexander Bouman is a product manager for desktop SEM at Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Histology Equipment & Supplies

Histology Equipment & Supplies
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Histology is the study of the microanatomy of cells, tissues, and organs as seen through a microscope. It examines the correlation between structure and function.

Let see the photo on how those equipment and tools help you to conserve the biology sample permenantly.

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